My New Favorite Theme For Editors

For a long time I have been a big fan of Sarah Drasner’s theme for Visual Studio Code, and even used a port of it in Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition.

Ever since I’ve started learning .Net Framework on both Linux and Windows, I ’ve also started using the default Visual Studio 2019 theme in both the IDE, and the editor. Simply because I like unity across the developer tools I use.

Here are a few screenshots:

Visual Studio 2019 Dark Theme Screenshot 1

Visual Studio 2019 Dark Theme Screenshot 1

Visual Studio 2019 Dark Theme Screenshot 2

Visual Studio 2019 Dark Theme Screenshot 2

The said theme is also a part of the C# extension from Microsoft.

I also use the Material Icon Theme to complete the experience in vscode, and File Icons extension in Visual Studio 2019 Community.

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